Wisdom behind `Iddah


Q 5: What is the wisdom behind prescribing `Iddah (woman's prescribed waiting period after widowhood) for women after the death of their husbands? If one of the reasons for `Iddah is to establish whether the woman is pregnant or not, why does it last for four months and ten days, during which the widow is not allowed to remarry, go out of her house (except for necessity), or even beautify herself, although pregnancy can be confirmed in twenty-four hours by modern medicine? What is the opinion of Your Honor regarding this issue?

A: Allah (Glorified be He) has prescribed `Iddah for women for many reasons, which were stated by Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah be merciful to him) in his book I`lam Al-Muwaqqi`in. The following is his wording, which is enough to answer the question. In the first place, there are a number of reasons behind prescribing `Iddah, some of which are: Establishing the absence of pregnancy so that the sperms of two or more men are not gathered in one womb resulting in mixed lineages. This involves corruption, which is rejected by Shari`ah (Islamic law) and wisdom. (Part No. 20; Page No. 409)  Another reason is to raise the esteem of marriage, honor its status, and show its reverence. `Iddah also aims at lengthening the period of revoking a divorcee, so that the husband might feel regret and take back his wife. Another reason is to give the husband his due right and show the consequences of losing him by preventing the wife from beautifying herself. That is why it is prescribed for women to mourn over their husbands more than they do over their parents or children. Also, `Iddah is prescribed as a way of respecting the husband's right, the wife's interest, the children's right, as well as fulfilling the right of Allah which He has ordained. Thus, `Iddah involves four rights. Since marriage ends with the death of one of the spouses, the Law-Giver (Allah) has made death similar to the consummation of marriage in the consequences pertaining to Mahr (mandatory gift to a bride from her groom) and the prohibition of marrying one's stepdaughter, as in the opinion of a group of Sahabah (Companions of the Prophet) and their followers, such as Zayd ibn Thabit and Ahmad in one of the two narrations ascribed to him. Thus, the reason for `Iddah is not only to establish the absence of pregnancy, for this is only one of its reasons and wisdoms. May Allah grant us success. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and Companions.
